Omega Bloomsbury Tables

Click on the photo links below;
New Bloomsbury Group style painted dining breakfast table
Omega tables
New Omega Workshops 'Adam & Eve' design painted dining breakfast table bloomsbury group
Adam & Eve table
New Omega Workshops Bloomsbury Group 'Giraffe' marquetry wood veneer design breakfast dining table
Giraffe table
New Omega Workshops Bloomsbury Group Duncan Grant's painted 'Lilypond' breakfast dining table
Lilypond dining table
New Duncan Grant's painted 'Lilypond' coffee table for the Omega workshops bloomsbury group
Lilypond coffee table
New Bloomsbury group flower panel design painted dining breakfast table & coffee table & side lamp tables
Flower panel tables
New Omega Workshops Bloomsbury group painted breakfast dining coffee table
Dining coffee tables
New Omega Workshops style painted dining breakfast table
Omega tables
New Omega Workshops Bloomsbury group painted side lamp sofa table
Side table
New Omega Workshops Bloomsbury group painted breakfast dining coffee table
Dining coffee table
New painted dining breakfast or coffee table in spired by the Bloomsbury group
Dining coffee tables
New Bloomsbury Group style decoratively painted coffee sofa side lamp tables with matching table lamp
Coffee table
New Omega Workshops style hand painted home office desk with glass top
Desks / home office
New Omega Workshops painted console side table
Console table
New Bloomsbury Group style decoratively painted coffee sofa side lamp tables
Coffee table
New Omega Workshops Bloomsbury group painted breakfast dining coffee table
Dining coffee table
New Duncan Grant's painted 'Lilypond' design, for the Omega workshops, used for a sofa coffee side lamp table
'Lilypond' coffee table
New Omega Workshops design painted dining breakfast table
Dining & coffee table
New Omega Workshops style design painted dining breakfast table with box supports
Dining table
New Omega Workshops design hand painted dining breakfast table & matching coffee table
Dining & coffee table
New Omega Workshops painted side lamp sofa table
Side table
New Omega Workshops style decoratively hand painted 'Morpheus' design minimalist wall hung console table cabinet
Wall hung console table
New Bloomsbury Group style decoratively hand painted wall hung cabinet sideboard console table
Wall hung console table
New Bloomsbury Group style decoratively hand painted wall hung cabinet sideboard or console table
Wall hung console table
New Bloomsbury style design painted dining breakfast table
Dining & coffee table

These designs are being recorded as they are added to the website. The images may not be reproduced without our written permission. All rights reserved.

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