The Priory Bedroom Suite

William Morris Painted Arts & Crafts Movement Gothic Revival style bedroom furniture Painted Arts & Crafts Gothic style bedroom furniture

Similar in feel to the William Morris Artisan Suite, this is another visually strong, and very practical bedroom suite. Design influences from AWN Pugin (especially his Oscott furniture) and CFA Voysey served to enhance the strong gothic shapes, without the carved excesses of the gothic style, leaving a suite more Arts and Crafts style in treatment. The whole is painted a lovely Blue/Grey. Shown above are a double robe with decorative panels, single bed, bedside table, lamp, wall mirror & clothes horse.

painted Arts & Crafts Gothic style bedroom furniture painted Arts & Crafts Gothic style bedroom furniture

Although shown as a single bed, the design would work well as a double, which we've shown top LH below. The suite can also be painted to any colour required. All of the pieces are available individually. Further pieces, inc. a wardrobe & chest of drawers, will be added to extend the range (one of these days), and we will design and produce to customers' specifications.

Double Priory bed for painted Arts & Crafts Gothic style bedroom furniture Group shot to give scale to all the pieces

Carved bed leg for painted Arts & Crafts Gothic style bedroom furniture Carved bed leg for painted Arts & Crafts Gothic style bedroom furniture Carved end rail showing chamfers

The top LH photo shows the double version of the bed. The top RH photo shows the group, so it's easier to understand the scale of the pieces. The bottom1st two photos show the detailed carving on the bed footposts. The bottom RH photo shows the chamfering on the end top rail.

Clothes horse for Priory bedroom suite furniture X frame side table for Priory bedroom suite furniture
Wall mirror for Priory bedroom suite furniture Wall cupboard for Priory bedroom suite furniture
Corner shelf for Priory bedroom suite furniture Cupboard for Priory bedroom suite furniture

These are the other main pieces of furniture in this striking range. The 'x'-frame base is visually strong & disguises the simplicity of the piece. This could easily be made as a cross shape base with a round or quatrefoil top. Suitable for use as a bedside table or side table. The design could even be adapted to a coffee table.

The clothes horse makes a wonderful gothic outline. Bone simple in profile, & all the better for that. Clothes horses are old fashioned & not seen much nowadays, but they are actually quite practical.

The wall cupboard has a Gothic feel to itwith simple chamfering & cut-out designs, being somewhere in between Georgian & Victorian Gothic. Just a fun piece, allows for some storage & some display.

Wall mirror with hand carved tapering chamfers on top & bottom rails, to match those of the bed. The rails also have the same profile as the bed. Very simple & pleasing on the eye.

Small corner shelf with hand carved tapering chamfers & the same bottom rail profile as the bed. Could also be supplied as an straight shelf as well.

A cupboard for the bedroom suite. It could act as a bedside cupboard, or just a stand alone cupboard, possibly as a lamp table. It has the same bottom rail profile as the bed. The fielded door panel was painted a cream colour for interest, & to match the lamp shade.

Gothic Medieval knight lamp base with painted shade Gothic Medieval knight lamp base with painted shade

This was a wonderful carved stone lamp base, of a medieval knight. The original was carved from a block of granite & cast, so this looks & feels like solid granite. We put a matching lamp shade on to finish the effect.

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