Art Deco Bathrooms

Click on the photo links below;
New Gilbert Rhode Art Deco bathroom red & black lacquered vanity units & wall units
Gilbert Rhode Vanity units
new Art Deco 'Skyscraper' style 5 door vanity unit with Skyscraper tall units
5 door Skyscraper style
New Jean Dunand Art Deco 2 door vanity unit with painted abstract landscape designs with black undermounted sink,
Jean Dunand vanity unit
New Art Deco marquetry veneered 2 door bathroom vanity unit cabinet cupboard with Skyscraper style stepped design door handles
Vanity unit
new Art Deco lacquered painted bathroom 2 door vanity unit with Skyscraper style designs on the doors
Painted mirrored Vanity
New Art Deco lacquered painted wood 4 door bathroom vanity unit with stained leaded glass door panels & stone marble worktop
Vanity with stained glass
New Art Deco lacquered painted wood 2 door bathroom vanity unit with marquetry veneered door panels & stone marble worktop
Marquetry vanity
New Art Deco oak 2 door bathroom vanity unit with rising sun stained glass panels
Vanity with stained glass
new Art Deco Streamlined style 2 door bathroom vanity unit & bath panels & 2 door wall mirror unit
Streamlined Bathroom
new Donald Deskey Art Deco Cubist painted bathroom vanity unit furniture
Donald Deskey bathroom
New Art Deco painted 4 door stepped bathroom vanity unit mirror door designs
Painted Vanity

new Art Deco 'Skyscraper' style 3 door vanity unit with angled Skyscraper tall units
Skyscraper style

new Art Deco bathroom design with stepped speed lines
Bathroom design
new Art Deco bathroom vanity unit design with Paul Frankl Skyscraper style Deco designs
Skyscraper style
new Art Deco lacquered painted bathroom 2 door vanity unit with Skyscraper style designs on the doors
Lacquered Vanity
New Art Deco lacquered painted wood 2 door bathroom vanity unit with marquetry veneered door panels & stone marble worktop
Vanity with marquetry panels
CR Mackintosh black painted bathroom vanity unit with stained glass panels & matching wall mirror
CR Mackintosh bathrooms
New Art Deco painted bathroom vanity unit with Jazz figures silhouettes
jazz band vanity
New Art Deco marquetry veneered 2 door bathroom vanity unit cupboard with a typical Deco design on the doors
Marquetry vanity unit
New Art Deco 2 door vanity unit with Walter Dorwin Teague painted lacquered Geometric Cubist design door panels
Painted veneered vanity
New Art Deco stepped Cubist style painted 4 door bathroom vanity unit
Painted Cubist style
CR Mackintosh Derngate style black painted bathroom  2 door vanity unit with painted Cubist patterns
CR Mackintosh
New Art Deco Skyscraper style lacquered, wood or veneered bathroom furniture including a vanity unit, WC with concealed cistern & stepped dressing mirror and matching bath panels
Skyscraper style
New Paul Frankl Art Deco Skyscraper style painted bathroom vanity unit with sit on basin
Paul Frankl vanity
New Art Deco oak 4 door breakfront bathroom vanity unit with rising sun stained glass panels
Vanity with stained glass
new Frank Lloyd Wright Mission Prairie Usonian Arts & Crafts Movement oak vanity unit for bathroom
FL Wright Bathroom
new Art Deco bathroom design with stepped speed lines
Marquetry Vanity
New Paul Frankl Art Deco Skyscraper style white painted bathroom vanity unit with sit on basin
Paul Frankl vanity
new Art Deco bathroom vanity unit with Cubist door design
Marquetry vanity
new Walter Dorwin Teague Art Deco bathroom in green & silver
new Clarice Cliff Art Deco decorative painted bathroom furniture
Clarice Cliff style
New Art Deco 2 door painted bathroom vanity unit with Art Deco Abstract doors design
Decorative Vanity unit
new Art Deco bathroom vanity unit with marquetry veneered rising sun door design
Veneered Vanity units
New Art Deco lacquered painted wood 2 door bathroom vanity unit with skyscraper style marquetry veneered door panels & stone marble worktop
Lacquered & Marquetry Vanity
new Art Deco original bathroom designs
Period designs
New Art Deco maple wood 2 door bathroom vanity unit with Cubist design door panels
Cubist design
New Art Deco lacquered painted 2 door vanity unit with octagonal stained glass door panels
New Paul Frankl Art Deco Skyscraper style black painted bathroom vanity unit with sit on basin
Paul Frankl vanity
New Art Deco 2 door cabinet, cupboard, bar or sideboard with painted Skyscraper design door panels & and matching V shaped handles
cubist style vanity
new Paul Frankl Skyscraper Art Deco bathroom design
Bathroom design
New Art Deco marquetry veneered 3 door bathroom vanity unit cupboard with abstract design doors
Marquetry vanity unit
new Art Deco bathroom stepped vanity unit with Streamline Morderne speed lines & dark granite marble worktop & wall mirror
new Art Deco bathroom with Rene Herbst style Abtract Cubist painted designs stepped vanity units & wall mirror unit
Cubist Abstract
new Art Deco Paul Frankl Skyscraper style bathroom stepped vanity units & wall mirrors & baths
new Art Deco graphic Abstract Cubist painted bathroom vanity unit & wall mirror & matching bath panels
Cubist painted bathroom
new Art Deco bathroom built in vanity unit & WC unit with Frank Lloyd Wright Mayan style patterns
Painted vanity unit
New New Art Deco egyptian Revival 1 door bathroom vanity unit with Ancient Egyptian style painted designs & matching Pylon shaped wall mirror
Egyptian Revival style
New Art Deco marquetry veneered 2 door bathroom vanity unit cabinet cupboard with Skyscraper style stepped design doors
Skyscraper style Vanity
new Art Deco style painted lacquered wall hung 1 door bathroom storage cabinet cupboard with decorative door design in Miami Deco colours
Storage / mirror wall units
New Art Deco 2 door bathroom vanity cabinet cupboard with Erte inspired painted door panels on a gold background
Erte inspired vanity
new Art Deco style veneered & painted lacquered wall hung 1 door bookcase storage cabinet cupboard with decorative door design
Storage / mirror wall units
New Paul Frankl Art Deco Skyscraper style oak & painted bathroom vanity unit with sit on basin
Paul Frankl vanity
New Art Deco  painted lacquered, wood or veneered bathroom decorative bath panels
Bath panels
new Art Deco bathroom 5 door Maple vanity unit & 2 tall units with Paul Frankl Skyscraper style door panels
Maple Skyscraper style
New Art Deco 2 door bathroom vanity cabinet cupboard with Cubist painted door panels & wall mirror
Cubist painted vanity
New Art Deco wall hung bathroom vanity unit cabinet with Cubist fan shaped painted door panels
Cubist painted vanity
Art Deco Odeon bath bathroom
Odeon bath - Discontinued!
Art Deco black bathroom suite & bathroom furniture
Black Deco suite - Discontinued
new Art Deco black bath & matching bath panel
Bathroom Budgets

You can have a modern Art Deco bathroom. For anyone who wants an authentic looking Art Deco bathroom, you can have this look yet still retain the modern practicalities most of us prefer. Even within the Art Deco style there are many looks you can go for, as you can see above. As designers we work with you to achieve an authentic style. It's the furniture 1st, followed by tiling, that establishes the Deco look of the bathroom (shower enclosures, WC's, baths, towel rails are more generic to all styles. We can offer a full design & make service, and installation within reasonable distance. If you are further away we can handle the design & supply, and produce specifications for your installer. It's a quite straight forward with email, web & skype these days! Contact us if you have a room/project you'd like to discuss.

These designs are being recorded as they are added to the website. The images may not be reproduced in any way without our written permission. All rights reserved.

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